You can use labels to tag and find related campaigns in your project.
In this article
Managing your project's labels
To manage a project's labels, you'll need the Manage Settings permission.
Navigate to Settings > Project Settings.
Scroll down to the Manage Labels section.
From this page, you can:
- Add new labels
- Edit labels
- Delete labels
Labels must be unique. You can't create the same label twice.
Adding a label to a campaign
Before you can add labels to campaigns, you have to set up labels for your project in Settings > Project Settings.
To add labels to a new campaign, select one or more labels from the New Campaign window.
You can also add or edit labels for an existing campaign. Just open the campaign and under the campaign title at the top of the screen, click Add Label to add new labels or click the name of a label that's already attached labels to make changes.
A copy of a campaign will have the same labels as the original. However, if you add or remove any labels from the copy, the original won't be affected.
Searching for campaigns by label
To find all the campaigns with a particular label, navigate to Messaging > Campaigns. Click Filters > Label and select some labels from the dropdown.
Exporting campaign labels
You can use the
GET /api/campaigns
endpoint to fetch campaign metadata, including labels. This endpoint returns
data like this:
{ "campaigns": [ { "id": 1611189, "createdAt": 1602627617382, "updatedAt": 1602627690330, "startAt": 1602627690330, "endedAt": 1602627690497, "name": "Fall sale", "templateId": 2225431, "messageMedium": "Email", "createdByUserId": "", "campaignState": "Finished", "listIds": [657633], "suppressionListIds": [], "sendSize": 23431, "labels": ["seasonal-sale"], "type": "Blast" } ] }