To add Next Best Action to your Iterable account, talk to your customer success manager.
Every marketer knows the challenge of re-engaging users — deciding who to target and what to say isn't easy and can be really time consuming. But, what if you had access to intelligent insights and ready-to-send campaigns, with creative copy suggestions and an audience to retarget?
Next Best Action helps you identify and re-engage previously engaged customers with a fresh new version of a completed campaign.
Specifically, Next Best Action:
Looks at historical user engagement data and lets you know when a campaign has completed with fewer engaged users than expected.
Shows you how many users didn’t engage with a message and builds a list of users to whom you can send a Next Best Action-generated campaign.
Tells you which other campaigns these users have engaged with over the past month, with insights about what may have contributed to that engagement.
Recommends alternative text, based on your original campaign and campaigns that users have engaged with in the past, and briefly describes the sentiment of the proposed text.
With these insights, you can learn more about your users and the types of messaging they respond to and why. You also get help crafting and automatically sending the next best version of a previously completed campaign.
In this article
Next Best Action considerations
Before you use it, it's good to know that Next Best Action:
Recommends alternative subject lines for email campaigns, and message text for SMS and push campaigns.
Evaluates marketing messages that are sent as blast campaigns.
Provides recommendations one to two weeks after a message is done sending.
Works for campaigns that have at least 10k sends.
Generates copy recommendations that are based on top-performing message copy and the campaign's original text and objective.
Generates retargeting lists for users who didn’t open the original message, but were expected to do so based on past engagement. Lists exclude users with deliverability issues, unsubscribes, and low affinities.
Is optimized for English-language locales. If you use non-English locales, remove them when you're setting up the new campaign.
Required permissions
When creating campaigns based on Next Best Action recommendations, you must have the following permissions:
To create campaigns, you need the Draft Journeys, Campaigns, and Experiments permission.
To schedule or activate campaigns, you need the Manage and Publish Journeys permission.
Next steps
Learn more about Working with Next Best Action.