Before you can start sending in-browser messages, you'll need to tell Iterable about your website. To do this, create a website integration, as described in this article.
In this article
What is a website integration?
In Iterable, a website integration stores information about:
- Your website's name
- A unique identifier you'd like to associate with it
When setting up Iterable's web SDK on your website, give it the same unique identifier you specified in your website integration in Iterable. The SDK uses this string to identify itself to Iterable, along with a JWT-enabled API key and a JWT token.
In Iterable, a mobile app integration represents a mobile app to which you can send in-app messages. A website integration is similar, but it represents a website to which you can send in-browser messages.
Creating a website integration
To create a website integration in Iterable, sign in using an account that has the Setup and Manage Channels permission. Then, follow these instructions:
Navigate to Settings > Apps and websites.
Click Add a new app or website. You'll see this window:
Enter a Name that will help you recognize the website in the future.
For Platform, select Web.
For Website identifier, enter a unique string. Consider using your website's URL, or some other meaningful value.
Click Create app.
Next steps
Now that you've added your website to Iterable, read Setting up Iterable's Web SDK.