Sometimes, Iterable can't send a given message to an intended recipient. When
this happens, Iterable logs a Send Skip event on the user's profile that
includes a reason
field explaining why the send couldn't be completed.
Reason | Applicable mediums | Explanation |
CampaignDeactivated | General | A triggered send was attempted to a deactivated campaign. |
CatalogCollectionEmptyResults | General | Referenced catalog collection has no content (not even <html> tags). |
CatalogCollectionError | General | A timeout occurred because of a problem in the way the collection was created, or because the collection query took too long to complete. |
CatalogCollectionLookupError | General | Referenced catalog collection or field doesn't exist, and the Handlebars for the collection includes required=true . |
CatalogCollectionTimeout | General | A timeout occurred because of a problem in the way the collection was created, or because the collection query took too long to complete. |
CatalogLookupError | General | Referenced catalog or field does not exist, and the #catalog Handlebars includes required=true . |
DataFeedError | General | Data feed returned a non-200 response code, generally because a data feed can’t be reached (the data feed URL isn’t working). |
QuietHoursSendSkip | General | The send occurred during quiet hours for the user's time zone, and the campaign was configured to cancel the send rather than send the message after quiet hours ended. |
EmptyContent | Email has no content at all (not even <html> tags). |
ExperimentHoldOut | General | Skipped users were part of a holdout group in an experiment. See Evaluating Holdout Groups. |
FrequencyCapping | General | Skipped users received the maximum number of messages per marketing channel (email, push, and SMS) as defined in Project Settings. See Frequency Management. |
FrequencyOptimization | General | Skipped users received the maximum number of messages per marketing channel (email, push, and SMS) as defined in Project Settings. See Frequency Management. |
HandlebarsExecutionError | General | Handlebars expression in the template was invalid after applying merge parameters. |
InvalidHostedUnsubscribeUrl | Hosted unsubscribe URL could not be made into a valid URL after rendering Handlebars. | |
InvalidRecipientEmail | Iterable thought the email was valid, but the ESP did not. | |
InvalidReplyTo |
Reply To field contains an invalid email address. |
InvalidSender |
From field of the email is not authorized to send. |
LocaleMismatch | General | There’s a mismatch between the user's locale field and the content that’s available for the project or campaign. Learn about managing locale mismatches and other locale options here. |
MessageServiceError | General | The message service returned a non-200 response code and it is not an error that Iterable specifically handles. |
MetadataLookupError | General | Referenced metadata or field doesn't exist, and the Handlebars for the metadata includes required=true . |
MisconfiguredMessageService | General | Message service provider or channel used to send was misconfigured. For example, the API key could be wrong. |
PlaceholderRecipientEmail | General | Iterable tracks messages sent to addresses. |
RetriesExhaustedError | General | Iterable stopped attempting to send the message after several retries. |
SendAborted | General | The Send Skip Handlebars helper is being used in a template. See Skipping/aborting a send. |
SnippetLookupError | General | Snippet doesn't exist and the Handlebars for the snippet includes required=true . |
SnippetTookTooLongToRenderError | General | An error occurred because of a problem in the way the snippet was created or because a query took too long to complete. Contact technical support if you encounter this error. |
SuppressedByMessageService | SMS, Email | Target is on the message service provider's suppression list. |
Unspecified | General | Contact your customer success manager if you encounter this error. |
Send skips with the QuietHoursSendSkip
reason are not logged in the Event
History tab on user profiles. We hope to add this in a future release.
Get help
If you're unable to troubleshoot any of these issues yourself, contact technical support.