A mobile inbox displays a list of saved in-app messages that users can revisit at their convenience. This way, they can access messages right when they're relevant—for example, maybe pulling up a coupon while shopping.
Iterable's React Native SDK provides a default mobile inbox implementation. It includes a customizable user interface, and it saves events to Iterable as users view and interact with your in-app messages.
This guide describes how to set up a mobile inbox in your React Native app.
To learn more, check out our guide about In-App Messages and Mobile Inbox.
# In this article
# Overview
Here's what a mobile inbox looks like on iOS and Android:
# Adding a mobile inbox to your React Native app
The following instructions describe how to use the default mobile inbox configuration provided by Iterable's React Native SDK.
# Step 1: Install Iterable's React Native SDK
First, install Iterable's React Native SDK. To do this, follow these instructions.
The mobile inbox included in the SDK relies on the React Native Webview package. As described in the above instructions, add this package to your project by running one of the following commands (depending on your preferred package manager):
yarn add react-native-webview
npm install react-native-webview
Then, in your project's ios
directory, run pod install
# Step 2: Import the IterableInbox
In the code for the screen where you'll use the mobile inbox, import the
import { IterableInbox } from '@iterable/react-native-sdk'
# Step 3: Display the inbox
You can display a mobile inbox when a user visits a particular tab in your app,
or when they tap on a particular button. Below, you'll find example code for
each of these approaches (they both require the instantiation of an
# Displaying a mobile inbox as part of a tab bar
This example code adds a mobile inbox to a tab bar, on the Inbox
import React from 'react'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs'; import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons' import { Linking, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native' import Home from './Home' import SettingsTab from './SettingsTab' import { Coffee, coffees } from './Data' import { IterableUtil } from './IterableUtil' import { Iterable, IterableAction, IterableActionContext, IterableInbox, type IterableInboxRowViewModel, } from '@iterable/react-native-sdk' interface Props { } export default class App extends React.Component<{}, {returnToInboxTrigger: boolean, isInboxTab: boolean}> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props) this.homeTabRef = React.createRef() this.state = { returnToInboxTrigger: false, isInboxTab: false } IterableUtil.initialize(this.urlHandler, this.customActionHandler) Linking.getInitialURL().then(url => { console.log('url receieved: ' + url) if (url != null) { Iterable.handleAppLink(url) } }); Linking.addEventListener('url', event => { console.log('url receieved: ' + event.url) if (event.url != null) { Iterable.handleAppLink(event.url) } }); } render() { const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); return ( <NavigationContainer> <Tab.Navigator screenOptions={({ route }) => ({ tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color, size }) => { if (route.name == 'Home') { return <Icon name="ios-home" size={size} color={color} /> } else if (route.name == 'Inbox') { return <Icon name="ios-mail" size={size} color={color} /> } else { return <Icon name="ios-settings" size={size} color={color} /> } }, })} tabBarOptions={{ activeTintColor: 'tomato', inactiveTintColor: 'gray', }} > <Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({ tabPress: (e) => { this.setState({ isInboxTab: false }) } })} /> <Tab.Screen name="Inbox" listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({ tabPress: (e) => { if(this.state.isInboxTab) { this.setState({ returnToInboxTrigger: !this.state.returnToInboxTrigger, }) } this.setState({ isInboxTab: true }) } })} > {() => <IterableInbox returnToInboxTrigger={this.state.returnToInboxTrigger} /> } </Tab.Screen> <Tab.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsTab} listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({ tabPress: (e) => { this.setState({ isInboxTab: false }) } })} /> </Tab.Navigator> </NavigationContainer> ) } private homeTabRef: any private navigate(coffee: Coffee) { if (this.homeTabRef && this.homeTabRef.current) { this.homeTabRef.current.navigate(coffee) } } private urlHandler = (url: String, context: IterableActionContext): boolean => { // ... } private customActionHandler = (action: IterableAction, context: IterableActionContext) => { // ... } }
In the above example, note the isInboxTab
and returnToInboxTrigger
variables. These variables help manage navigation within the mobile inbox
(from details of a particular message back to the message list).
If a user is on a tab that contains a mobile inbox and has opened up a message,
re-tapping that tab should navigate them back to the message list. To manage
this navigation, the tabs in the above code sample use the isInboxTab
variables (and their associated setters).
Each tab, when tapped, sets isInboxTab
to true
or false
, depending on
whether or not it displays a mobile inbox. This tracks whether the most recently
visited tab displays the inbox, or not.
Then, when the inbox tab is tapped, it checks isInboxTab
. If it's true
which means that the inbox is already being displayed, the code triggers a
navigation back to the message list—if necessary—by toggling
The value of returnToInboxTrigger
doesn't matter—toggling it in either
direction triggers the navigation, if it's needed. Note how
is included in the instantiation of the IterableInbox
component, which is how the inbox knows which state variable to watch.
is optional. If you don't include it when instantiating
your IterableInbox
, re-tapping the same inbox tab (after opening up an in-app
message) will not navigate you back to the inbox message list.
# Displaying a mobile inbox after a button press
Sometimes, rather than putting a mobile inbox in its own tab on a tab bar, you may want to display it when a particular button is pressed. Here's some example code that demonstrates how to do this:
import React, { useState } from 'react' import { View, Alert, StyleSheet } from 'react-native' import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons' import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-native-safe-area-context' import HomeTab from './HomeTab' import { Iterable, IterableAction, IterableActionContext, IterableConfig, IterableInAppMessage, IterableInAppShowResponse, IterableInbox, IterableLogLevel, } from '@iterable/react-native-sdk' import { BottomTabScreenProps } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs' type BottomTabParamList = { Home: undefined; Inbox: undefined; Settings: undefined; }; type Props = BottomTabScreenProps<BottomTabParamList,'Home'> export default function Home({ navigation }: Props) { const [isInboxSelected, setIsInboxSelected] = useState<boolean>(false) const config = new IterableConfig() config.inAppDisplayInterval = 1.0 config.urlHandler = (url: string, context: IterableActionContext) => { // ... } config.customActionHandler = (action: IterableAction, context: IterableActionContext) => { // .... } config.inAppHandler = (message: IterableInAppMessage) => { return IterableInAppShowResponse.show } config.logLevel = IterableLogLevel.info Iterable.initialize("<YOUR_API_KEY>", config); const toggleInbox = () => { setIsInboxSelected(!isInboxSelected) } let { container, buttonContainer, } = styles return( <SafeAreaView style={container}> <View style={buttonContainer}> <Icon.Button name="ios-mail" style={{ width: "50%" }} backgroundColor={isInboxSelected ? "red" : "blue"} onPress={toggleInbox} > {isInboxSelected ? "Hide Inbox" : "Show Inbox"} </Icon.Button> </View> {isInboxSelected ? <IterableInbox safeAreaMode={false} /> : <HomeTab />} </SafeAreaView> ) } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { height: '100%', backgroundColor: 'whitesmoke', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'flex-start', marginTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0 }, buttonContainer: { backgroundColor: 'whitesmoke', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 20 }, })
In this example, pressing the Show Inbox button calls toggleInbox
, which
updates isInboxSelected
. And that changes what's displayed on the page:
{isInboxSelected ? <IterableInbox safeAreaMode={false} /> : <HomeTab />}
Use the safeAreaMode
parameter on IterableInbox
to indicate whether or not the
inbox should be displayed inside a React Native SafeAreaView
In our example, we set safeAreaMode
to false
—there's already an SafeAreaView
being used, and we don't need another.
# Customizing the mobile inbox
There are various ways to customize the default styles of the mobile inbox, as described below.
# Customizations object
The primary way to customize your mobile inbox is by providing styles
in a customizations
object that you pass to your IterableInbox
Here's an example customizations object:
const iterableInboxCustomization = { navTitle: "", noMessagesTitle: "", noMessagesBody: "", unreadIndicatorContainer: { height: '100%', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'flex-start' }, unreadIndicator: { width: 15, height: 15, borderRadius: 15 / 2, backgroundColor: 'orange', marginLeft: 10, marginRight: 5, marginTop: 10 }, unreadMessageThumbnailContainer: { paddingLeft: 0, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center' }, readMessageThumbnailContainer: { paddingLeft: 30, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center' }, messageContainer: { paddingLeft: 10, width: '75%', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center' }, title: { fontSize: 22, paddingBottom: 10 }, body: { fontSize: 15, color: 'lightgray', width: '85%', flexWrap: "wrap", paddingBottom: 10 }, createdAt: { fontSize: 12, color: 'lightgray' }, messageRow: { flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: 'white', paddingTop: 10, paddingBottom: 10, width: '100%', height: 200, borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: 'red', borderTopWidth: 1 } }
In this object, you can specify:
— The title that appears at the top of the inbox screen.noMessagesTitle
— The title that appears in the middle of the screen when the inbox contains no messages. Default value: "No saved messages".noMessagesBody
— The body text that appears in the middle of the screen when the inbox contains no messages. Default value: "Check again later!"unreadIndicatorContainer
— The container that holds the unread indicator.unreadIndicator
— The unread indicator icon.unreadMessageThumbnailContainer
— For an unread message, this is the container for the thumbnail image associated with the message (as configured when setting up the template in Iterable).readMessageThumbnailContainer
— For a read message, this is the container for the thumbnail image associated with the message (as configured when setting up the template in Iterable).messageContainer
— A container around various elements in the message item: title, body, and created at.title
— The title of the message, as displayed in the inbox.body
— The body of the message, as displayed in the inbox (not when the message has been opened).createdAt
— The message date.messageRow
— A message row. Use these styles to customize row height, padding, background color, border, etc.
# Tab bar customizations
To tell the IterableInbox
about the height and padding of the tab bar, use
the optional tabBarHeight
and tabBarPadding
props. For example:
If your app uses custom tab bar dimensions, provide these values to make sure that the inbox component lays out as expected. If you don't provide them, they default to:
— 80 -
— 20
# Message list item layout
To specify a custom layout for your inbox rows, when you instantiate your
, assign a function to its messageListItemLayout
The inbox will call this function for each of its rows, and it should return:
- JSX that represents the custom layout for the row.
- The height of the row (must be the same for all rows).
A row layout can reference the fields stored in the passed-in rowViewModel
which is an instance of IterableInboxRowViewModel
. IterableInboxRowViewModel
has these fields:
) -
) -
) -
) -
) -
In the sample code below, the custom layout function is called MessageListItemLayout
import React from 'react'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs'; import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons' import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native' import Home from './Home' import SettingsTab from './SettingsTab' import { Coffee, coffees } from './Data' import { IterableUtil } from './IterableUtil' import { Linking } from 'react-native'; import { Iterable, IterableAction, IterableActionContext, IterableInbox, IterableInboxRowViewModel, } from '@iterable/react-native-sdk' import { getTabBarHeight } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs/lib/typescript/src/views/BottomTabBar'; const MessageListItemLayout = ( last: boolean, rowViewModel: IterableInboxRowViewModel ) => { const messageTitle = rowViewModel.inAppMessage.inboxMetadata?.title const messageBody = rowViewModel.inAppMessage.inboxMetadata?.subtitle const messageCreatedAt = rowViewModel.createdAt let styles = StyleSheet.create({ unreadIndicatorContainer: { height: '100%', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'flex-start' }, unreadIndicator: { width: 15, height: 15, borderRadius: 15 / 2, backgroundColor: 'blue', marginLeft: 10, marginRight: 5, marginTop: 7 }, unreadMessageContainer: { paddingLeft: 5 }, readMessageContainer: { paddingLeft: 30 }, title: { fontSize: 22, paddingBottom: 10 }, body: { fontSize: 15, color: 'lightgray', paddingBottom: 10 }, createdAt: { fontSize: 12, color: 'lightgray' }, messageRow: { flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: 'white', paddingTop: 10, paddingBottom: 10, width: '100%', height: 120, borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: 'black', borderTopWidth: 1 } }) const { unreadIndicatorContainer, unreadIndicator, unreadMessageContainer, readMessageContainer, title, body, createdAt, messageRow } = styles function messageRowStyle(rowViewModel: IterableInboxRowViewModel) { return last ? {...messageRow, borderBottomWidth: 1} : messageRow } return( [ <View style={messageRowStyle(rowViewModel)}> <View style={unreadIndicatorContainer}> {rowViewModel.read ? null : <View style={unreadIndicator}/>} </View> <View style={rowViewModel.read ? readMessageContainer : unreadMessageContainer}> <Text style={title}>{messageTitle}</Text> <Text style={body}>{messageBody}</Text> <Text style={createdAt}>{messageCreatedAt}</Text> </View> </View>, styles.messageRow.height] ) } interface Props { } export default class App extends React.Component<{}, {returnToInboxTrigger: boolean, isInboxTab: boolean}> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props) this.homeTabRef = React.createRef() this.state = { returnToInboxTrigger: false, isInboxTab: false } IterableUtil.initialize(this.urlHandler, this.customActionHandler) Linking.getInitialURL().then(url => { console.log('url receieved: ' + url) if (url != null) { Iterable.handleAppLink(url) } }); Linking.addEventListener('url', event => { console.log('url receieved: ' + event.url) if (event.url != null) { Iterable.handleAppLink(event.url) } }); } render() { const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); return ( <NavigationContainer> <Tab.Navigator screenOptions={({ route }) => ({ tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color, size }) => { if (route.name == 'Home') { return <Icon name="ios-home" size={size} color={color} /> } else if (route.name == 'Inbox') { return <Icon name="ios-mail" size={size} color={color} /> } else { return <Icon name="ios-settings" size={size} color={color} /> } }, })} tabBarOptions={{ activeTintColor: 'tomato', inactiveTintColor: 'gray', }} > <Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({ tabPress: (e) => { this.setState({ isInboxTab: false }) } })} /> <Tab.Screen name="Inbox" listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({ tabPress: (e) => { if(this.state.isInboxTab) { this.setState({ returnToInboxTrigger: !this.state.returnToInboxTrigger, }) } this.setState({ isInboxTab: true }) } })} > {() => <IterableInbox returnToInboxTrigger={this.state.returnToInboxTrigger} messageListItemLayout={(last: boolean, rowViewModel: IterableInboxRowViewModel) => MessageListItemLayout(last, rowViewModel)} /> } </Tab.Screen> <Tab.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsTab} listeners={({ navigation, route }) => ({ tabPress: (e) => { this.setState({ isInboxTab: false }) } })} /> </Tab.Navigator> </NavigationContainer> ) } private homeTabRef: any private navigate(coffee: Coffee) { if (this.homeTabRef && this.homeTabRef.current) { this.homeTabRef.current.navigate(coffee) } } private urlHandler = (url: String, context: IterableActionContext): boolean => { // ... } private customActionHandler = (action: IterableAction, context: IterableActionContext) => { // ... } }