Smart Ingest lets you pull data stored in your Azure Synapse data warehouse and import to Iterable. Most of the setup occurs in Iterable, but your Azure adminstrator needs to allow Smart Ingest IP addresses in your Azure account, and provide connection details that you can enter in Iterable.
Contact your Iterable customer success manager to discuss adding Smart Ingest to your plan.
Smart Ingest can only import data from Azure Synapse.
In this article
Allowing Smart Ingest IPs in Azure
Azure protects your Synapse data by preventing unknown external IP addresses from connecting to your Synapse workspace.
Before you connect Smart Ingest to Azure Synapse, make sure to allow Smart Ingest IPs in your Azure account.
To allow Smart Ingest IPs in Azure:
Log in to your Azure portal.
Go to your Synapse workspace.
In the left sidebar, go to Networking.
Allowlist the Smart Ingest IPs for your region.
Click Save in the upper left corner.
Connection types
There are two ways to authenticate with Azure Synapse:
- A username and password.
- A connection string provided by Azure.
Both authentication methods support a direct connection from Smart Ingest to Azure Synapse via URL or IP address.
When you need to connect using standard or reverse SSH tunnel, select the password authentication type. SSH tunnels cannot be set up when using a connection string.
Password authentication
When you authenticate to Azure Synapse with a username and password, you can connect directly to your Azure Synapse account's server by providing a URL or IP address, or you can use an SSH tunnel to connect.
To connect to Azure Synapse with a username and password, you need the following information from your Azure administrator:
Host – The hostname or IP address of your Azure Synapse. Example:
Port – The port number of your Azure Synapse. The default is
, but yours may be different.Database – The name of the database in your Azure Synapse workspace.
Username – A user with access to the SQL database. At minimum, this user must have read access to the data you wish to sync.
Password – The password for the user specified above.
You can optionally enter a Request timeout duration and whether to Trust server certification.
Connecting Azure Synapse with a password
To connect Smart Ingest to Azure Synapse with a username and password:
Log in to Iterable as a user with the Manage Integrations project permission and open the project you’re working on.
Go to Integrations > Smart Ingest.
Click Connect a New Source.
Select Azure Synapse and click Continue.
In Step 1, select the Password authentication type.
In Step 2, select the connection type your sync should use to connect:
Connect directly with Azure Synapse. This creates a direct connection with no additional setup needed.
Connect via SSH Tunnel. This connects using SSH. Add a standard or reverse tunnel, or select an existing tunnel if you’ve already set one up.
To learn more about SSH tunneling and how to set up standard and reverse tunnels for Smart Ingest, read SSH Tunneling for Smart Ingest.
In Step 3, enter your Synapse account details: Host, Port, and Database.
Next, enter your user credentials for Synapse: Username and Password.
Click Continue. Smart Ingest automatically tests the connection.
When the connection test is successful, click Continue. (If there are problems connecting, click Back and review the connection details for accuracy.)
Add a name for your data source to display in Iterable.
Click Finish.
Connection string authentication
You can connect to Azure Synapse quickly by entering a connection string that Azure provides. This string contains all the information Smart Ingest needs to connect to your Azure Synapse account and can be fully customized to your configuration needs.
Example connection string:
Server=tcp:<example-workspace>,1433;Initial Catalog=master;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sqladminuser;Password={your_password};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;
Note that this string contains a placeholder for a password ({your_password}
that you must replace with the SQL user's actual password when connecting.
To locate the connection string for your Azure Synapse database, follow the steps in Finding Your Connection String in Azure.
To learn more about connection strings, read Connection strings for SQL pools in Azure Synapse (Microsoft).
Azure connection string security
The connection string contains all of the information that Smart Ingest needs to connect to your Azure Synapse account. This includes the server name, port, database name, and user credentials.
Because the connection string contains sensitive information, keep it secure and don't share it with others. Once you enter your connection string and click Continue, Smart Ingest obscures the string so it no longer appears in the UI.
If you need to update the connection string, you must re-enter it. The existing string is not visible in the UI for security reasons.
Finding your connection string in Azure
To find your connection string, an Azure Synapse account administrator must:
Go to Azure Synapse Studio for your Synapse workspace.
Go to the Manage tab in the left sidebar and click SQL Pools.
Click on the SQL pool you want to connect to. This opens the properties on the right side of the screen.
Cick the drop-down menu for Connection strings and select ADO.NET > SQL Authentication.
Copy the connection string.
Connecting Azure Synapse with a connection string
Once you have a connection string from Azure, you can connect Smart Ingest to Azure Synapse.
To connect Smart Ingest with Azure Synapse using a connection string:
Log in to Iterable as a user with the Manage Integrations project permission and open the project you’re working on.
Go to Integrations > Smart Ingest.
Click Connect a New Source.
Select Azure Synapse and click Continue.
In Step 1, select the Connection String authentication type.
In Step 2, enter your connection string. Make sure to replace the placeholder for the password with the user's actual password.
Click Continue. Smart Ingest automatically tests the connection.
When the connection test is successful, click Continue.
If there are problems connecting, first try again. If you still can't connect, click Back and re-enter the connection string.
Add a name for your data source to display in Iterable.
Click Finish.
Next steps
You've now connected your data warehouse to Smart Ingest. The next thing you can do is create a sync.